
Born in Ronda, Málaga, Spain,
Jorge Muñoz Bonet is a young architect based in Barcelona. He has collaborated with international studios such as estudio Herreros in Madrid and currently collaborates with Ricardo Bofill Atelier in Barcelona .

During his training he has studied at the University of Granada (ETSAG), the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (FADEU UC) and the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETSAM), among his works stands out TFM: 'Antes todo esto era campo', with the highest qualification in ETSAM and 'Visiones de un paisaje vitivinícola', research on the cultural landscape of wine.


E-mail︎︎︎ jorgemuñozbonet@gmail.com Teléfono ︎︎︎  +34649495090
Instagram ︎︎︎ @jorgemunet
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Barcelona (Spain)
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